About Me

My name is Ellie, and I live in South Wales.  In January 2016 I joined my local Slimming World group, inspired by my sister and a couple of my friends who had all had real success with the plan. 

I've never liked diets, my will power is rubbish, I hate rationing food and I've never been able to stick a diet plan for any length of time.  I can honestly say SW has been a revelation - the focus is on healthy eating, not rationing, and there's a big long list of foods that I can have in unlimited quantities.  And you can still have your treats, just in moderation (never my strong point, but at least there are lots of healthy alternatives to fill my face with as well!).

I love cooking, and being on the plan has made me get more creative with ingredients, making up healthier versions of my favourite dishes.  I've set up this blog to share the results of my experiments.

I'm not a Slimming World consultant, and this site is not affiliated with SW in any way, I'm just a group member sharing some recipes.  But if you're interested in the plan, I'd really recommend going along to your local group and giving it a try.  The support I've had from my group has been fantastic, the consultant is brill and I definitely wouldn't have been able to stick to the plan without the discipline of going along to meetings each week.

Most of my recipes are syn-free (I prefer to save my syns for chocolate and alcohol...) but where I've used syns I will give the values.  These can change though, so make sure you check them yourself.

Shameless plug alert: Apart from cooking, my other favourite thing is sewing, and I have another blog and a Facebook page for that - have a look if you like.


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